Elite Auto Locksmiths

Renault Cards / Keys Replacement

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Elite Auto Locksmiths can replace your Renault car keys if they are lost or stolen.


It would be ideal if you note: Renault have chosen to quit offering clear megane and grand key cards to everybody, they will now just supply these bolted to a particular autos vin number, this implies it is no more extended workable for anyone to offer you a same day benefit on a substitution OEM scratch card any longer, as these must now be requested from the merchant bolted to your vehicles vin number, which takes 5 to 10 days for conveyance.

We discover this amazingly poor client benefit from renault and a kick in the teeth for their exchange clients as well as their unwavering auto purchasing clients , it is notable that these cards have a restricted life and are inclined to disappointment in expansive numbers now the autos are getting more seasoned, where confronted with a stranded auto that wont begin due to a fizzled card, locksmiths could program another unique card with full assurance to your auto and get you up and running same day with insignificant disturbance. The new decides from renault imply that if your card falls flat you are currently left with the interruption of your vehicle off the street for up to 10 days while you sit tight for a card bolted to your auto, unless renault have a change of heart and put their clients first which is far-fetched, then this can’t be evaded.

The main megane and beautiful cards that can now be provided same day by anybody is duplicate cards , these are as you would expect far less expensive , however they are likewise not a similar quality , wont keep going as long and accompany a far shorter certification, some duplicate cards are alright yet some are extremely poor, yet as a fizzled card is regularly a crisis as has abandoned you stranded, then a duplicate card is presently the best way to get move down and running same day.

This lone influences megane and grand 3 catch cards at present , yet we are told whatever is left of the cards will go with the same pattern , uplifting news for renault however awful news for their clients unfortunately.


We can now offer 3 choices with megane and grand 3 catch cards

1) We will require a duplicate of your v5, driving permit and a service bill to arrange your new card from the merchant which will take 5 to 10 days

2) We can supply and program a duplicate card with constrained certification

3) We can supply and program a duplicate card as an impermanent card to get you on street again and arrange you a unique card to be customized once conveyed .

Despite everything we trust renault will see detect and change this new arrangement and put their clients needs first, and we will obviously redesign our page ought to this be the situation , we are sad for the interruption and extra cost and issues this can bring about , yet this is renaults strategy and altogether out of our hands. We will redesign if the circumstance changes or a superior secondary selling arrangement gets to be accessible.

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