Elite Auto Locksmiths

Lost Key Replacement

For 24 Hour Emergency Assistance
Call Us On 07746 423 555

When your vehicle keys have been lost or stolen, our helpful team of specialist auto locksmiths are here to take all the worry away from this stressful situation with just one phone call.

auto_locksmith_lost_keys_replacementAt any time of the day we are available to visit at the roadside, your home or work and regain entry to your vehicle using non-destrutive methods. Our auto locksmiths will then create new keys and program them into your vehicle’s ECU (Engine Control Module). This process usually is completed within an hour, allowing you to get back on the road as soon as possible.

Typically, the alternative would be to have your vehicle recovered by a main dealer, however this may incur specialist recovery costs – even if you have breakdown cover – as the car will have the handbrake on and the steering lock active, where the dealer will normally have to special order new keys which depending on the manufacturer can take between 2 and 3 weeks to arrive in some cases, and all of these will be charged at “main agent prices”.

In the situation where you are concerned your keys may have been stolen, we are able to delete old keys from the car’s memory, rendering them useless if an attempt to start or steal the car is made with them.

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